I now have single plaits - or box braids to seemingly the rest of the world - for the time being so no hair experiments but it's a hell of a lot less hassle. You can see them in my profile picture. My hair is too short for simple pinned up styles and that seems to be where my talent lies...
At the minute I just wash them once a week with leftover Avalon Organics Lavender Shampoo and Tresemmé Naturals Vibrantly Smoothing Conditioner but I'm in no position to see how it affects my actual hair. Ho hum.
This post isn't very interesting if I just talk about my hair at the minute. So life stuff! Back to university and again I feel the first flushes of enthusiasm for the term's work which is brilliant and I will hopefully maintain this time. Also the Terrifying Spectre of Examination looms high above all proceedings but I suppose that if I work hard from now until the end of term I should be fine. All my society stuff seems to be going swimmingly so far; President of our university's Stop the Traffik group (which works to stop human traffiking) and still trying too start up an upcycling group (which repurposes stuff that would otherwise go to landfill).
That's all I have to say for now.
How have you been?